VMBhits has the ability to allow multiple test administrators to work from the same account. This makes it convenient for a customer that requires several staff or managers to be able to select, schedule and manage tests on the site while having a single person, the Primary Administrator, responsible for establishing the account and monitoring of the service charges, credit balance and tests being administered by others.
Additional Administrators have their own email addresses that are used for logging in and receiving test results and assignments. Additional Administrators are not permitted to access account information but are otherwise unrestricted in the administering of tests. They can view Test Status and History reports on the Customer Service menu and will be shown records of only the tests they have administered.
The Primary Administrator can permit Additional Administators to make additional charges to the Account's credit card on a case by case basis. The Primary Administrator can also choose to receive copies of the tests being assigned and the test results for a given Addional Administrator. Permission granted to the Additional Adminstrator can be easily removed at any time.